Dominance/Submission Test

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Are you a dominant or submissive person? Are you curious to find out where you fall on the spectrum? Take the Dominance/Submission Test to discover your natural inclination towards power dynamics. Research has shown that power dynamics play a significant role in interpersonal relationships and can influence various aspects of our lives, including communication styles, decision-making processes, and conflict resolution. By answering a series of carefully designed questions, this test will unveil your dominant or submissive tendencies. So, are you ready to uncover your true nature?

Are you a dominant or submissive person?

Question 1/22

In your personal relationships, do you prefer to take charge or let others take charge?

Dominance/Submission Test Dominance/Submission Test
Why perform this test?
  1. Free:

    This Dominance/Submission Test is available free of charge to assess your dominance and submission tendencies.

  2. Convenience:

    Take the test online anytime and anywhere, providing flexibility and easy access.

  3. Insightful:

    Gain a deeper understanding of your dominant and submissive inclinations, which can enhance self-awareness.

  4. Professional:

    This test is developed and administered by experts in the field, ensuring reliability and accuracy.